Rocky Foroutan Awarded 2022 Thought Leader by Progress in Lending

Rocky Foroutan, CEO and founder of LenderHomePage, was awarded 2022’s Thought Leader by PROGRESS in Lending in recognition of his bold and visionary leadership that continues to advance the mortgage industry.
PROGRESS in Lending issued this honor to executives that demonstrated fearlessness in undertaking new initiatives and embracing creativity, stating, “we need thought leaders that are not afraid to step forward and blaze a new trail. We need creativity. We need bold new ideas.”
Rocky’s passion for innovation is rooted in the idea of “frictionless integration” throughout the entire mortgage ecosystem –from consumer engagement to underwriting to document recognition to APIs.
“I believe more standards for integration and quality control should be set for the industry as a whole, and vendors are to adhere to those so things can go smoother. Innovation is alive in mortgage today.”
Read more on the PROGRESS in Lending website and this year’s full honorees list.